OTP Copenhagen is proud to present HEAVY RENDER, a solo exhibition by the Copenhagen-based artist Stine Deja (b. 1986; DK), marking the artist’s first presentation with the gallery. Featuring a new series of bronze and granite sculptures, the exhibition explores ideas relating to optimisation of the human figure, and the ways in which technological development continually impacts our understanding of bodily form and functionality.
Composed inside 3D modelling software using a variety of commercially available renders, Deja’s sculptures combine familiar elements according to a semi-absurd and futuristic logic. The bodies that appear in HEAVY RENDER have been assembled from a mixture of anatomical models, medical devices, prostheses, jewellery and household electrical fittings. Structured according to the artist’s aesthetic preferences, traditional medical rationale is upended as small intestines attach to flex-foot running blades, noses come unplugged to save energy (or for easy storage), and heart valves are accessorised with elegant pendant earrings.